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Office Location

Call or visit the nearest CL Butcher Insurance location.

CL Butcher Insurance Agency
Phone Number (865) 689-5482
Fax Number (865) 689-5491
401 Hotel Ave
Knoxville, TN 37918

8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday

Employee Directory

Find e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of CL Butcher Insurance employees.

Leslie Butcher-Duncan
Leslie Butcher-Duncan
Image of email address of Leslie Butcher-Duncan Agency Owner
CL Butcher Insurance Agency
Office Number (865) 689-5482
Alternate Number (865) 384-1817
Fax Number (865) 689-5491
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QR code to scan for Leslie Butcher-Duncan's Contact Information
Cindy McGill
Cindy McGill
Image of email address of Cindy McGill Agent and Account Representative
CL Butcher Insurance Agency
Office Number (865) 689-5482
Fax Number (865) 689-5491
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QR code to scan for Cindy McGill's Contact Information

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